Friday, July 11, 2014

Manic Monday

Last Monday was like any other day. It was until the electricity went out at 7pm while Marty, Collins and I were having Taco Monday. As soon as the lights went out Collins started crying because apparently she's afraid of the dark. Marty and I lit a couple candles and we just figured the electricity would be back on momentarily. Bath time came a round 8pm along with her usual bottle of milk. We warmed up her milk quickly with hot water and gave her her bath all in the dark. Marty and I did what any other couple with a 1 year old with no electricity would do. We went to bed hoping that in the morning we'd wake up to all the fans and lights in the house to be on and running. 7am came quickly and still no power. That's when I went into beast mode...all 2500 ounces of my breast milk was downstairs in the deep freezer that wasn't on. Marty walk over accross the street to our neighbors who have a generator and see if they will take it all. Sure enough sweet Ken & his wife Penny took in all of my milk, and my awesome husband made the 4 trips :). Power came back on after 24 hours, Marty made another 4 trips back and all was well!

What better way to say thank you than a sweet card and some home made fudge (homemade as in from the farmers market) :) I have been browsing Treat which is a new greeting card website by Shutterfly Inc. We've all heard of Shutterfly before, where you can make those super cute photo books amongst other things. Well Treat offers specialized designs for personal greeting cards, birthday cards, e-cards, and what do you know thank yous and stationary! I was thrilled when I found the perfect everyday personalized stationary that I could use. 

I got right to work on browsing exactly what I wanted in some stationary that I could use to send to those who in a pinch helped us out (Ken/Penny) or when Collins receives a gift in the mail a cute personalized thank you definitely goes a long way. Putting together my cards was a breeze. It was so easy to maneuver around the website and upload my photos. The photo I used was actually already uploaded through Shutterfly when I had printed it a few weeks back which made the process even easier. It took me about 10 minutes or so to complete my order. The hard part was all the browsing I did beforehand. Possibilities are endless on this new site, I found myself making a phone cover as well as a canvas! (All at very reasonable prices I might add). 

Stationary & Envelopes c/o Treat 

My cards came within the week, perfect timing to send one to Ken & Penny to thank them for hoarding my milk ;)

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