Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Every experience is different

Well we did it! Second cerclage surgery complete! Going into it the night before I got nervous all of a sudden. It cant be that bad, I have already been through it. I knew what to expect. But that was just it, I knew what was going to happen. Leaving Collins too was hard for me. Those of you that know me personally know I do not leave without my little girl beside me. She was in great hands though, my mom came to spend the day with her and she even got to spend time with Pop Pop and her Uncle Zeke before he left for a work trip. She had a ball and was a perfect angel while we were gone. Let me tell you though she got a million kisses as soon a I came into that door!

We got to the hospital a little after 8:30am to check into our room and get prepped. Things took forever, they didn't start putting my information into the system until about 9:30am so there Marty and I sat in L&D in the exact room we were in when we first met Collins :) Once they started asking all the usual questions that's when I felt like a side show in a circus because everyone was coming in to take blood, anesthesia to talk about the process of the spinal, about 3 people trying to put in my IV (which I have never had a problem before with my veins but this time was different). They said my veins were too small and that they couldn't find a good enough vein. Finally a first year resident who was brand new came in with a smaller needle and was able to put my IV in. From there we had to travel down to Dr. Font's office to get an ultrasound.

Baby was upside down relaxing, and we even got to take a little peek down below :) However we aren't 100% and I'm not telling! Side note-Saturday night I had some spotting when we had gotten home from the city. If this would have happened with Collins we would have been to the hospital immediately however we were calm this time. I laid down for the rest of the night and drank plenty of water. I never bled again and we said that if I did we would then go. So back to Monday, after checking me on ultrasound he said that my placenta was covering my cervix and that was why I had a case of spotting. Apparently normal at this stage and no cause to worry, he would just need to be careful when stitching me up. The baby is wonderful and actually measuring a whole week ahead! Heartbeat was 167 too :)

November 18, 2013
November 19, 2012
We of course had to reenact our picture from last year, because if this whole situation isn't crazy enough, my cerclage procedure from last year was almost to the day a year ago, well a year ago today! So only a difference of a day! We didn't actually start surgery until about 11:15am when we were supposed to start at 10:30am. So at that point I was more than ready. Why was every experience different, because I shouldn't have expected everything to be exactly the same. Out of the 3 spinals and 1 epidural I have already had this one was the worst. They couldn't get the needle to where they needed it to go in my back because all of a sudden I have a mild case of scoliosis? So weird and probably untrue however that's why they said they had to dig around in my back with the needle for 10 minutes to even get the spinal started. I was yelling of course haha "Why is it taking so long!" "Its never taken this long" "My right side is hurting" "Now my left!" At first they wanted the first year resident to do it since she was learning. Well I politely said no thank you but now I am kind of thinking she may have done a better job...or not? Anyway once that was finally taking effect they hoisted up my legs and Dr. Font got to work. It took longer this time too because what's left of my cervix is really nothing. The best way to describe it is when you are going into labor you will hear the doctor said she is __% effaced or thinned. Meaning there cervix is thinning and preparing to dilate. You want to be at 100% meaning no more cervix exists. Mine yesterday was at about 90%. Your cervix has an outside part (that's what they stitch) and an inside part. The inside part should never start opening to dilate until labor begins, which is what happened once my stitch with Collins was cut. It never opened so that was great. So that's what we want to happen this time because the inside part of my cervix is long, however the outside is minimal and the cerclage really isn't holding on to much. 
After surgery it took a good 6 hours of waiting to feel my lower part of my body and be able to use the restroom before we could leave. By 4pm (sorry TMI) I was just sitting there on the toilet praying to god to let me pee. Drinking ice cold water, and dipping my hand in warm water trying anything! ha I just wanted to go home. Finally we were able to and I have been resting ever since. My wonderful husband and mother have been on Collins duty/housewife duty and will be until my appointment with Dr. Font on Monday to let us know of a game plan. However I was instructed to be on as much bed rest for the week as I can, so that's what I am doing. It's only been not even 24 hours and I already miss my job as a mom. I know I am here and Collins can sit with me but not being able to feed her, and do all the things we have been doing is killing me. Marty reminded me, I still am a mom, just right now I am being a mom to our other child right now keeping him/her safe and Collins will understand. Actually Collins doesn't even care I'm sure nor will she remember, its just hard on this momma's heart :( 


  1. you are doing great!! so crazy its almost a year to date. what a blessing!
    ill be praying this goes just as well! xxo

  2. You are a phenomenal mom and Collins definitely knows that. She is so lucky to have you as is your new little one! Just keep your head up babe! Thinking of you and sending you lots of love, hugs & prayers!! XOXO

  3. I'm glad the surgery went well! I'm praying for you :)
