Tuesday, January 29, 2013

24 Week Milestone

Here we are! Past 24 weeks. Ahhhh! I literally woke up smiling this morning. Yesterday hitting my 24 week milestone was a little bittersweet. The superstitions in me made yesterday a bit of a roller coaster. Even though I was beyond excited to hit our first mini goal, I still went back remembering at that moment what I was doing with Sloane. 4:00am water broke, 10:00am pitocin started, 4:00pm epidural given, 6:32pm she was born. However here we are moving along strong at 24 weeks 2 days to be exact :). At this point our baby girl is as big as an ear of corn at about 12.5 inches and weighing over 1 1/2 pounds. She can now sense what is upside down or right side up. Her respiratory system is also rapidly growing, lungs are developing in preparation for breathing, moving amniotic fluid in and out of the lungs, although for now she still gets oxygen through my placenta. With all that said we had a great doctors appointment today as well, and she even cooperated and gave us a few good pictures.

Profile with her cute little nose

Big feet!

How far along? 24 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: 10lbs
Maternity clothes? still wearing yoga pants, however those are starting to get a bit snug
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: a lot of side to side moving however its not bad
Best moment this week: hitting our first mini goal and becoming farther and farther along
Miss Anything? Same old, miss doing things for myself and not having to rely on others. Driving too, and just the outside
Movement: she has been moving a lot. Mostly at night and after eating, and when we yell her name and play music for her :)
Food cravings: blow pops, my iced chai tea from Starbucks, and my mom's meatloaf!
Anything making you queasy or sick: brushing my teeth still, and I constantly smell cigarettes which is weird since we don't smoke but it makes me feel sick
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: none and thank jesus!
Symptoms: still a lot of bloody noses, heartburn like none other, and itchy belly
Belly Button in or out? in still but its starting to show signs of popping out 
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'd like to think happy :) I am getting cabin fever though
Looking forward to: my next mini goal at 28 weeks, and of course my baby shower in 6 weeks

It was so nice to finally see the baby not upside down today. She was moving like crazy and gave us a couple good shots of her cute little profile, and big feet! She is in the 50-75% in weight so shes growing right on target and average. My cervix measured at 3.9cm which hasn't really changed which is great. Cerclage looks good and my belly is also measuring right at 24 weeks as well. I had another blood draw today too because for the past two weeks I'd say at least once a day my heart starts beating fast and I find it hard to breath for about a minute. It goes away and like I said maybe happens once a day but just to be safe Dr. Khater also wants me to get an EKG. He said it could be anything, possibly my thyroid but that we should get it checked out. They also sent out another pee culture to see if that bacteria will still show up after taking the zpak from two weeks ago. Fingers crossed that comes back OK. My injections have been going as well as expected too. I receive my shots pre-filled in the mail each month in packs of 4. If you remember 5 weeks ago I got an allergic reaction on one of my butt cheeks so for the past month we have just been injecting in the opposite cheek. Last week we tried again in the "bad" cheek and ended up with a hematoma. Not a big deal at all but it was back to the "good" cheek this week and it went flawlessly. Maybe a bad batch of injections the last time? Monday we see Dr. Font and I scheduled my next appointment with Dr. Khater in 3 weeks where I'll receive an ultrasound, cervix check, the usual. However that morning I will also take another 3 hour glucose test GROSS disgusting. I opted out of the 1 hour knowing the last 2 times I have failed miserably, so we decided to just go straight for the 3 hours :). Lucky me. I passed at 8 weeks so lets just hope we pass again! With ALL that said, here is to another quiet week and new mini goals :).

1 comment:

  1. Wow Ashley!! I'm so happy to hear everything is going so well and you reached your first mini goal! I'm glad you woke up smiling as you deserve it!Thanks for keep us all updated with your blog! Love baby girl's ultrasound pictures!!
