Monday, January 14, 2013

22 Week Update

This MFM appointment was short and sweet. Went in to do a cervical check and Dr. Font said it looks excellent. He was very happy with the measurement of my cervix, which measured past 4cm. Phew. So for at least today I am remaining positive and very excited about that news. Next on the list is to get to my first mini goal of 24 weeks! I received another injection this morning as well which the nurse did a better job of not using my butt as a dart board. I will say that this batch is a bit thicker and hurts a little more than usual going in but it's manageable. One other piece of great news, we received our Materni T21 results back and all came back low risk for Down Syndrome, Trisomy 13, and Trisomy 18. So overall a very positive day. Baby girl was not doing much this morning, just moving a little bit but probably thinking it was too early for her to be bothered, after all it was only 10am :).

For a few weeks now whether it be in my head or really something, "down there" just hadn't been feeling normal to me. Sorry TMI but I keep you all updated on everything! I had called Dr. Khater a week ago telling him exactly what I was feeling. Not burning while I pee but burning after and possibly some yellow discharge. He wanted me to come in and do a urinalysis and see just what is going on. After 2 days we finally found out that I did not have a bladder infection or urinary tract infection, (good news) however there were traces of bacteria in my urine and he wanted to nip it in the bud. In any other case of these traces of bacteria in a pregnant woman he wouldn't prescribe anything, because the body would fight it off on its own; but because of the cerclage my body is constantly trying to "fight" something off because it is a foreign object inside me. So he prescribed a Zpak to help get rid of the bacteria before it turned into something worse. Today was my last dose of the antibiotic, and when I go to my next appointment with Dr. Khater on January 29th they will do another urinalysis to see how it worked. So fingers crossed :). This of course makes me nervous because infection was what in the end made me be induced and deliver Sloane. So any type of infection or "weird" feeling worries me especially at this time.

I am still laying down and resting as I should and it seems to be working so I will continue to do so especially these next two weeks. I just started making a Tutu this past week to keep my mind occupied (Thanks Susan). And little Miss Sloane had another tiny visitor last week who dropped off some Valentines day goodies.

My Tutu progress so far :)

Gia Visiting her cousin Sloane

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear all is still going well! I'll keep praying!!! :-)
