Tuesday morning was like any morning going to an appt. to see Dr. Khater. I got my sausage wake up wrap from Dunkin Doughnuts and waited to see the ultrasound tech. My mom took me on this trip because Marty had to work so as we got into the ultrasound room I started to undress and BOOM blood. Where the heck did that come from. So we went and got the nurse and let them know that I had been feeling fine but was bleeding. Dr. Khater wasn't in yet and they still wanted to do an ultrasound anyway and I would see him immediately after. Collins is still frank breech, and I am still funneling. My cervix also went from a 2.9cm last week to a 1.9cm so something was going on. Speaking with Dr. Khater after he checked me, he didn't think there was any pressure on my cerclage and that the blood was normal from just my cervix started to soften and prepare for labor. To be safe in case she decides to come in the next couple weeks he wanted to go ahead and get two rounds of steroid injections to help with her lungs. Betamethasone cause an immature fetus's lungs to produce a compound called surfactant. A full-term baby's lungs naturally produce surfactant, which lubricates the lining of the air sacs within the lungs. This allows the inner surfaces of the air sacs to slide against one another without sticking during breathing. Premature infants whose lungs have begun producing surfactant are more able to breathe on their own, or with less respiratory treatment, after birth. He also wanted me to have a NST (Non stress Test). The test involves attaching one belt to the mother’s abdomen to measure fetal heart rate and another belt to measure contractions. Movement, heart rate and “reactivity” of heart rate to movement is measured for 20-30 minutes. If the baby does not move, it does not necessarily indicate that there is a problem; the baby could just be asleep. A nurse may use a small “buzzer” to wake the baby for the remainder of the test. So to the hospital we went. I was surprisingly calm, my mother on the other hand was not :). So for a good hour we sat in L&D on the NST. Collins had the hiccups so you'd hear her heartbeat then a hiccup it was cute. I was having contractions as well. Which I have been for a good month or more which I figured were Braxton Hicks. However the nurse was not impressed with this for I had 3 in 30 minutes. She didn't want to release me however she spoke with Dr. Khater and as long as I was OK at home with them I could be released, and I am. Collins did great on the NST, heart rate between 150-170 the entire time and moving around as usual. Next was the steroid injection. I had two of these with Sloane so I knew what was in store for me. However when I got them then I was in active labor getting poked all over, I remember it being not an easy injection however being in no pain and just getting it now made me a little nervous. I received it in my right hip and the nurse went full force with that needle (even making my mom a little sick) and it took about 20 seconds to inject. Its a little thick like my progesterone however let me tell you it burns! And continues to burn for a good hour or so. But
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The culprit :) |
Mini Goal of 34 weeks! Only 12 more days...
My mama would have been the same way. Big hugs to you, and prayers as you reach your next goal. Bake Collins Bake some more :)