Tuesday, March 19, 2013

31 week update

We just had our appointment at Dr. Khaters today, and it was a bit different than usual. We had an ultrasound and she is still breech. She is actually Frank breech. Which is the most common way of breech babies. 

We also learned that she is 4lbs 3oz already :). Getting big! After our ultrasound we met with Dr. Khater to go over what the ultrasound tech had found. My cervix has shortened below what we have been used to at a 2.9cm and I have started funneling. Funneling means the rim of your cervix is starting to dilate and can happen as early as 30 weeks. Your cervix may still be closed, but the rim of your cervix is starting to dilate. Luckily I am not funneling to my cerclage so it's doing its job. Dr. Khater wasn't too worried about it since around this time "normal" pregnant women's cervixes start to soften anyway. However we all know I'm not normal so my appointments with both doctors will begin to be weekly. So the next appointment is in a week with Dr. Khater to see how my cervix looks after taking it even more easy than before. 

So back to laying down completely as much as I can. 
3 weeks until the next mini goal of 34 weeks
6 weeks until end of bed rest (yes they added a week, it ends at 37weeks not 36weeks) 
9 weeks until due date! 

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