Friday, March 29, 2013

March of Dimes for Sloane

This is the link. Click Above 
For those of you who were able to make it to the baby shower a few weeks ago we had a "Guess Collins Birthday Pool" and all donations were to be made in honor of Sloane for the March of Dimes. Marty and I decided that whatever was donated that day we would match that, and you all raised $125 for our sweet Sloane and of course we matched it and donated $250.00. We were able to get a jump start towards their goal of $1000.00. Because of our bed rest situation we were unable to make a team this year, however a good friend of mine Susan Meier and her family have taken it upon themselves to not only walk for their niece Hannah who was born at 33 weeks but are also including Sloane this year for us. We cannot thank them enough for including Sloane in the walk this year, and I would love to get them above and beyond their goal. I have attached the link to the personal profile in honor of Sloane where if you'd like you can donate.
Thank you to anyone who has already donated in honor of our daughter and thank you to those who will. Throughout this entire process of bringing a sister in this world for Sloane, Marty and I have done what we can to keep Sloane's memory alive each and everyday, and April 28th's walk will just be one more event for that.
"We wanted you to walk, instead you learned to fly."

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

32 Week Shenanigans

Tuesday morning was like any morning going to an appt. to see Dr. Khater. I got my sausage wake up wrap from Dunkin Doughnuts and waited to see the ultrasound tech. My mom took me on this trip because Marty had to work so as we got into the ultrasound room I started to undress and BOOM blood. Where the heck did that come from. So we went and got the nurse and let them know that I had been feeling fine but was bleeding. Dr. Khater wasn't in yet and they still wanted to do an ultrasound anyway and I would see him immediately after. Collins is still frank breech, and I am still funneling. My cervix also went from a 2.9cm last week to a 1.9cm so something was going on. Speaking with Dr. Khater after he checked me, he didn't think there was any pressure on my cerclage and that the blood was normal from just my cervix started to soften and prepare for labor. To be safe in case she decides to come in the next couple weeks he wanted to go ahead and get two rounds of steroid injections to help with her lungs. Betamethasone  cause an immature fetus's lungs to produce a compound called surfactant. A full-term baby's lungs naturally produce surfactant, which lubricates the lining of the air sacs within the lungs. This allows the inner surfaces of the air sacs to slide against one another without sticking during breathing. Premature infants whose lungs have begun producing surfactant are more able to breathe on their own, or with less respiratory treatment, after birth. He also wanted me to have a NST (Non stress Test). The test involves attaching one belt to the mother’s abdomen to measure fetal heart rate and another belt to measure contractions. Movement, heart rate and “reactivity” of heart rate to movement is measured for 20-30 minutes. If the baby does not move, it does not necessarily indicate that there is a problem; the baby could just be asleep. A nurse may use a small “buzzer” to wake the baby for the remainder of the test. So to the hospital we went. I was surprisingly calm, my mother on the other hand was not :). So for a good hour we sat in L&D on the NST. Collins had the hiccups so you'd hear her heartbeat then a hiccup it was cute. I was having contractions as well. Which I have been for a good month or more which I figured were Braxton Hicks. However the nurse was not impressed with this for I had 3 in 30 minutes. She didn't want to release me however she spoke with Dr. Khater and as long as I was OK at home with them I could be released, and I am. Collins did great on the NST, heart rate between 150-170 the entire time and moving around as usual. Next was the steroid injection. I had two of these with Sloane so I knew what was in store for me. However when I got them then I was in active labor getting poked all over, I remember it being not an easy injection however being in no pain and just getting it now made me a little nervous. I received it in my right hip and the nurse went full force with that needle (even making my mom a little sick) and it took about 20 seconds to inject. Its a little thick like my progesterone however let me tell you it burns! And continues to burn for a good hour or so. But I'll I do anything for my babies. I was instructed to go home rest (obviously) and come back in 24 hours and do the same exact thing. So good news, I write this blog still from the comfort of my own home. NST went just like yesterdays, a few contractions and Collins did great, and another lovely steroid injection. Plans are to just see what happens, I do see Dr. Font Monday who I haven't seen in 3 weeks so I am sure we will have a lot to discuss. I am not in active labor since my cerclage is doing its job therefore we don't know if I am dilating, so that's a good sign. So more resting :).

The culprit :)
Around 10:30pm when Marty and I had decided to lay down for the night it was finally silent enough to hear what we think was a little girl giggle and scream. Marty started yelling what is that. What is that!! Because he gets scared quick :). It finally stopped maybe after 10 seconds. Marty got up and tried finding out what it could have been. We don't know for sure but I'm pretty positive it was Collins' toy dolly in our extra room in our bed room. You're only able to press her once and she giggles. So I don't know if it was a sign for maybe Collins is coming soon or if it was Sloane who kept playing with her making the doll giggle. I begged for her to do it one more time when we went back to bed but nothing happened. I do believe it was Sloane though giving us a sign, and just checking out her little sister's toys :)

Mini Goal of 34 weeks! Only 12 more days...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

31 week update

We just had our appointment at Dr. Khaters today, and it was a bit different than usual. We had an ultrasound and she is still breech. She is actually Frank breech. Which is the most common way of breech babies. 

We also learned that she is 4lbs 3oz already :). Getting big! After our ultrasound we met with Dr. Khater to go over what the ultrasound tech had found. My cervix has shortened below what we have been used to at a 2.9cm and I have started funneling. Funneling means the rim of your cervix is starting to dilate and can happen as early as 30 weeks. Your cervix may still be closed, but the rim of your cervix is starting to dilate. Luckily I am not funneling to my cerclage so it's doing its job. Dr. Khater wasn't too worried about it since around this time "normal" pregnant women's cervixes start to soften anyway. However we all know I'm not normal so my appointments with both doctors will begin to be weekly. So the next appointment is in a week with Dr. Khater to see how my cervix looks after taking it even more easy than before. 

So back to laying down completely as much as I can. 
3 weeks until the next mini goal of 34 weeks
6 weeks until end of bed rest (yes they added a week, it ends at 37weeks not 36weeks) 
9 weeks until due date! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Baby Shower

Sunday was AMAZING! Marty and I couldn't have asked for anything more. My mom and Jessica did one heck of a job putting this all together, and although it was a bit cramped :) it turned out perfect. Our family and friends have spoiled this little girl, and when she finally arrives we will be able to use everything instead of just staring at it! That's all I have done since Sunday, just sit and stare at all the gifts :) I just want to thank everyone who came and shared this special day with us, it was the perfect day and it wouldn't have been without each and everyone there. We took a ton of pictures to remember the day so I'll photo bomb a few lot on here. Now we just wait for her to arrive, we hit 30 weeks on Monday! Another mini goal has come and gone. The end or should I say beginning is so near. 6 weeks left of bed rest, and 10 weeks until her due date! We cannot wait, and Sunday just made it all that more real :)








Friday, March 8, 2013

3D Ultrasound & Update

I have been slacking on the blogging lately, and it's kind of embarrassing because it's not like I am busy these days :). We have actually been having a lot of doctors appointments and family is in from Florida for the long awaited baby shower Sunday! So a lot going on at the Mitchell household.

Lets start with an update. All great things. I have kicked E. Colis butt and my urine culture came back negative! Thank God its gone. I saw both Dr. Khater and Dr. Font this week and I am measuring right at 29 weeks and my cervix is still holding strong at over 3cm. Baby girl is also measuring at 3lbs 8oz! I have also been able to maintain my blood sugars through diet and have been doing quite well eating good for both myself and the baby. Both doctors felt like I have been doing a good job keeping my numbers low that I won't be needing any insulin help so that was great news. We also met with the nutritionist and was given a ton of great information and a diet that I can easily follow. Guess what I can still have my milk and cookies before bed time! It's basically all about portion control eating what I have and just watching out on my carbs and sugars. My next appointment with Dr. Khater is in 2 weeks on March 19th and not until April 1st with Dr. Font since we are doing so well. After those appointments ill be seeing each doctor every week and starting NST (Non-stress tests), and preparing for my cerclage to come out! Woah I cannot believe we are hitting 30 weeks on Monday :)

With my mother-in-law in town, Marty and I thought it would be fun to take her and my mom to a 3D ultrasound to get a look at just how cute baby C could be. So this morning we went to Peek-a-belly in Lockport. Where we went to find out her gender. What an amazing appointment. She was blowing bubbles, sticking out her tongue, and moving like crazy. Just not moving head down like we'd want :). She is still breech however hands above her head and her feet are also on top of her head, with her butt down by my pelvis. Sounds comfortable uncomfortable. Of course I am about to photo bomb you with my adorable daughter so I apologize in advance. She has got some chubby cheeks, pouty big lips and a little bit of hair, however we can't figure out who she looks like just yet. We will have to wait and see until she's here!

Big cheeks and pouty lips :)


Mouth open with her leg/foot to the right

Foot in Eye, Look at those LIPS!

So in love with her already, and I cannot wait for Sunday to shower her with gifts :) I am getting more and more excited as the weeks go by, and cannot wait to meet her!