Age: 11 months
Stats: Still haven't gone to the doctor, but we will in 2 weeks when she officially turns 1...o.m.g. We did however weigh her the other day and it said she weighed 18lbs 3oz :)
Clothes: She made quite the jump lately, wearing 12-18 month clothing in most Carters, Target brand, and some Gap. Of course she still sports 6-12 month clothes as well and even some smaller size cardigans, and dresses as shirts!! Clever :)
Favorite Activity: Scooting! This child has found an easier way to get around the house that doesn't entail keeping her head down or missing anything. She scoots on her butt and uses one arm to push so she can move all around the floors. I don't know how many times I have heard, you should attach a Swiffer to her butt!
Favorite Words: Still Mom :) however we are pretty sure she is closer than ever to saying dada.
Least Favorite Activities: She's sometimes too busy for her bottles now. Pushes them away when we try and feed her. Now that she's mobile she doesn't have time for anything else other than chasing the dogs!
Mom's Favorite Moment: We started her in swimming class and not only did she go under for the first time without crying but she also kicks her little legs ninety miles a minute when she's on her belly.
Dad's Favorite Moment: All the scooting she does! You definitely cannot keep your eyes off of her she goes so fast.
Other Milestones: Ugh my baby will be a toddler. In two short weeks. Neither her nor I want to talk about it...
We have a busy month coming up. Collins 1st Easter, 1st Birthday, her party, and a girls trip out to Texas to visit friends! We are very excited for the upcoming events, but its leaving mom a little stressed out!
We also have the March for Dimes walk coming up on April 27th. Those of you who follow me on instagram or twitter already saw our page and some have already donated so a huge THANKYOU! This year we are walking for both Sloane and Knox and my good friend Susan and her family have dedicated their team to both of my babies. Collins Marty and I will be joining them this year in the walk, so we can't wait to honor both of them in such an amazing way. If you are interested in helping us get to our goal please visit the below website for our March of Dimes Page :)
Time has flown by! She just keeps getting cuter & cuter... Good luck with those boys in the future hehe!