Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Even out the playing field...

Ashley, Sloane, Collins, Lola, Lucy and then there is Marty. Poor Mart lives his life full of estrogen, even his dogs are ladies. Ask him if it bothers him and he wouldn't change it for the world, "I'm good with the ladies" is what he usually says :) Before we announce just what this little nugget is lets see what the old wives tales tell us...
Pink will show its a girl, blue with show its a boy. If underlined that is what this baby has been.

Baby's heart rate: above or below 140
Did you have morning sickness: yes or no
Chinese birth chart: boy
Blemishes or beauty
Craving sweet or salty
Sleeping on the left or right side
Are you moody or happy

6 out of the 7 wives tales say girl...

However, after two sweet little girls, the Mitchell Family is finally welcoming a little boy to the mix. That's right, we are expecting a BOY!!

We went to Peek-a-Belly in Lockport where we went with both Sloane and Collins. Like I mentioned before at 13 weeks our doctor had taken a peek and told us that it was a boy, however I did not believe it! I didn't think we could make boys! But sure enough Marty did it! haha We are beyond excited and Collins is going to make such a great big sister. We are slowly but surely giving the boys a chance in the Mitchell household, however girls still rule!


Easy Ladies, that's his pee pee pointing left

Sucking his thumb

3d photo sucking his thumb :)


  1. that 3d photo is fantastic!! i absolutely love seeing ultrasound pics. there is just something about them. maybe its the fact that it is a beautiful life growing :) i blame mom hormones. collins is going to ROCK at being a big sister - and you are going to have so much fun being a mom to one of each!! i love her shirt. you did good mama!

  2. Love those ultra sound photos! So excited for you guys. Collins will be an amazing big sister! :)

  3. Yay for a baby boy!! So excited for you guys!!!!

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