So a quick update from this past week. Monday we finally saw Dr. Font after a long 3 1/2 week hiatus. We had an ultrasound done measuring her weight, checking her fluid, and if she's moved. Great fluid, 4lbs 10oz, and little Miss is still breech. I found a neat picture that shows what Collins looks like all comfy in my belly. I mean do you blame her?
After looking at my cervix and going over what had happened at 32 weeks Dr. Font thought it would be best to get the final dose "rescue" injection of steroids. They won't give it after 34 weeks and since I was still 33 weeks and it wouldn't hurt we all decided to go ahead with one more. I was so
On Thursday I was placed on the monitors and Collins seemed pretty active and I had only felt maybe 1 or 2 contractions. Well I didn't get the memo that you should eat before a NST and apparently I was having way more contractions than what I was feeling. So Marty had to run and get me breakfast and back on the monitors I went for another hour. This time was better, she was more active and I didn't have as many contractions. He also checked my cervix again and we are holding up. The cerclage is doing its job so at this point it's a waiting game. We did schedule our potential last 4 appointments with him. The next 4 Monday's at 7:45am we will see Dr. Font for NST and cervical/baby check. As long as my stitch doesn't start ripping and my contractions don't begin to become constant she can keep cooking! The week of April 29th we will take the cerclage out and if I am dilated and contracting and she is still breech we will do a C-section that day! It is amazing to know she could be here in less than a month. It's also amazing to see a light at the end of this long long tunnel.
Collins, mommy and daddy cannot wait to meet you. We have waited for what seems like eternity to finally get to hold you and see your sweet face. Please stay in for 3 more weeks but as soon as mommy's stitch comes out lets get the show on the road!
God is so faithful! So happy for you!