With the end beginning in sight, I thought it would be nice to bring everyone into a sneak peek of Collins nursery. We finally have it completed with all the bells and whistles ribbons and bows :) We had already painted and purchased the furniture for Sloane and when we found out we were pregnant again we knew we would with out a doubt keep it the same. Marty did an amazing job painting, I will say I did paint the green wall but opted out of the stripes. I left that up to the professional :)
We choose to have her main crib wall a different color than the rest of the room. We choose the paint color Jalapeno Jelly from Valspar her accent wall with black and beige stripes that you will see in the rest of the photos. The frame above her crib was actually a mirror from IKEA. Ikea Mirror I took the mirror out and purchased her initial from Hobby Lobby and spray painted it black. Similar lettering here
Every girl needs a million bows even before shes born...right? I actually made her one bow holder on the right from a frame from Hobby Lobby. I used scrapbook paper for the middle and scrapbook lettering to say BOWS. I attached ribbon and hooks to the bottom of the frame to hang head bands and bows. I am not that crafty and it actually came pretty good, however with all her hair accessories we of course needed another option. The green frame is also from Hobby Lobby. Just as every little girl needs bows, my little girl also needs her own chandelier :) Black Chandelier
We actually found the bedding first and based the painting around it. Both Collins' Nana and Nonna bought her bedding together. Harlow CoCalo Couture
Like I mentioned before we had already had the furniture Davenport Collection by Baby Appleseed and of course my favorite piece in the room our rocker. Marty and I searched for a couple weeks at different stores searching for this exact chair. We knew what we wanted in our heads but didn't know for sure if it existed. Lucky us it did! Similar Here Most of the accessories in her room are also part of the Harlow bedding collection, the window valence, three large frames, and hamper. Oh, that cute little bag sitting on the rocker is my diaper bag, obsessed! If you haven't heard of Petunia Pickle Bottom bags you need to investigate. Every bag they have I fell in love with, thanks to my good friend Taryn :)

Anyone who has been around during my bed rest days knows that I am constantly on Etsy. I worked with a woman for Sloane's lettering and she did an amazing job matching the letters to the room exactly. So as soon as we decided on Collins I went straight to her Etsy shop and had her do the new lettering. She was wonderful to work with and nailed it a second time. MiaEileen The black mirror we found at Target. Threshold Flat Mirror
Changing pad cover again from Etsy but from a different shop. Again amazing to work with. I haven't really had any shops where I have had any problems! LittleOwlsNest If you can see my cute little wipe holder that my friend Angelica made in the corner. Adorable, we told her she needs to get herself on Etsy and start selling these!
We needed a little something on the corner part of her wall. Something cute but also something that would be beneficial for we needed to put her video monitor somewhere. Whats better than shelves! Again we found the three at Target. Wall Ledge Set
Well there it is, our sweet, spoiled little girls nursery. I will say we had a lot of fun putting it all together. Now all it needs is Collins!