The Start of bed rest has begun, and it couldn't have come at a better time...The Holidays. I say that half sarcastically and half serious. These holidays are obviously a bit different for me with Sloane not being here like she should. They are all apart of my journey, my firsts. My first Thanksgiving without her, and then Christmas. However, I "celebrated" with her brother/sister in my belly and ate as much as I could for the two of us :). Thanksgiving is also a bit different for my family this year because 1. Marty is in Georgia celebrating with The Mitchells and 2. My parents are stuck with not only me living in their house for 5 days but also Lola and Lucy. Oh and Zeke! It is a full house, and as I mentioned before, the four of us haven't been under the same roof for more than a day let alone five days since I was probably in High School. We are going on day 3 and all of us are still alive. So far so good :). Since I had decided that I didn't want to do anything for Thanksgiving and really couldn't do anything the highlight of the day was when my brother brought over my favorite dishes from their Thanksgiving celebration at my Aunt's house. Pasta, Aunt Nancy's Salad, and my favorite of all time Garlic Lemon Broccoli. The only way ill even think about touching broccoli. Most of it was gone by the time Zeke had dropped it off, let the dogs out, feed them and then made his way back to celebrate. Delicious! The actual whole point of this post was to be thankful, and as much as I have so much to be thankful for I am glad the holiday is over and its just another normal day. However without further ado a few of the things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving...
I must mention this is the first picture Marty and I took together xoxo
Now before I hear how come you're not thankful for me or you forgot...I must mention that I am thankful for EVERYONE who has supported Marty and I through everything this year and I couldn't possibly fit or find pictures of all your beautiful faces. Also keep in mind it was easier for me to be thankful for those who are taking care of me this week while Marty is away and if I wasn't thankful for them I'd for sure be in trouble :). So of course I am thankful for Lola and sometimes Lucy. I am especially thankful for my parents this week for taking care of me waiting on me hand and foot and giving Marty a break (even though Marty only had 2 days of bed rest with me). I am thankful for my friends who have called, texted, sent goodies, and visited. My two great friends, Lisa and Matt came to visit me Friday and I honestly can say that I haven't laughed as hard or as much as I did for those 4 hours in a really long time. I am also thankful for my brother Zeke. Even though he picks on me as if he is my big brother, he did give up his bed in my parent's house so that I could be comfortable. Something completely random, lemons. I am thankful for those too this year. Yes I eat them, yes I know they take the enamel off my teeth however they help with this nausea that this baby of mine has been giving me. Next, I thank god everyday for being pregnant again. I am thankful that I am in fact fertile mertile and have been given the chance to bring another child into this world. With that said I am obviously thankful for my husband! I can't do this without him. We just celebrated our first wedding anniversary and I think I heard the first year is the toughest? I might be wrong however we faced the worst year of our lives unfortunately during our first year of marriage. But in that worst year we created a miracle, Sloane Elise Mitchell, and although she didn't spend nearly enough time here on earth with us I am thankful for carrying her in my tummy for 24 weeks feeling her move and kick. I am thankful for those 2 hours we were able to spend with her. I am thankful for the memories I will cherish for a lifetime. So, that's my bed rest thankfulness, which also includes a long list of silly items like nail polish, my phone ha, pay pal (because that allows me to just purchase things online without having to get up because my husband's credit card information is already listed) :) and all my extended family, in-laws, and friends. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!
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