Let me just start off by saying I planned to do a lot of things this weekend. Most of which I did not even attempt to start. However we did have a fun jam packed weekend that I enjoyed immensely. Friday was what we are pretty sure was my last time teaching until after the baby. Not only was it by far one of the best classes I have had since I started, but I also took that little gem of a note you see above from two students during a quiz. Keep in mind these are 7th graders. In math class, taking a quiz on decimals, fractions, and sequencing. All things I didn't get back then and still didn't get as I was supposed to be "teaching" them :). At first I opened the folded note in front of them making sure it wasn't a cheat sheet, and as I read the first sentence I almost lost it in front of them but knew I just couldn't embarrass them anymore than the two of them probably already were just from me reading it. So of course I waited until after class. There was no way I was giving this back because A. It was wrong they shouldn't have been passing notes, and B. I was too nosey not to find out what this guy's answer was going to be. Apparently its just that simple, kiss me and you'll understand. I hope she decided not to kiss him already. I mean if this baby is a girl, my daughter better not be kissing in 7th grade. I know I wasn't kissing yet, I just wish I could say the same for good old Marty.
Marty and I had mentioned to Mason (the little boy I nannied) that we would have him over for a sleep over. So why not make it during my last hoorah! Side note: I say this was my last weekend as a free woman, and my last hoorah sarcastically. I cannot wait for this little baby to make his/her entrance into this world, and put his/her life in front of mine. However until that happens, the next 20+ weeks on bed rest probably are not going to be so much fun. So back to Mason :). We ended up taking him to see Madagascar at the movie theater, getting him popcorn, fruit snacks, and a drink. You know the "must haves" when going to see a movie. After the movie, we decided to go for some pizza. I ended up taking the most adorable picture of Mr. Marty (as Mason calls him) and Mason.
I love these two :) |
The cuteness didn't stop there. The last time we had Mason over he slept with Marty and I in our bed, and we really didn't realize sleeping with a two year old was that big of a mistake. He kicked, he moved, he practically slept on top of us. All of which I may not mind if I wasn't trying to sleep myself. So Marty and Mason made a "fort bed" on the floor next to our bed. Where I obviously slept because I was not going to sleep on the floor :).
Mason is looking at me in the second one like, 'Really Ash, I wanna sleep in the bed!" He had a blast sleeping with Mr. Marty though. He waited for Marty to make a move in the morning before asking him to go downstairs. They were really cute together. Marty is already an amazing dad, but seeing him with Mason I can't wait to see him like that with one of our own.
Without Sloane during the holidays, I decided I just wasn't really in the mood to really go crazy and decorate this year. Instead I came up with a great idea! Since I couldn't really help put up our big tree and decorate and then help take it down (which I never really did anyway) I thought about getting a smaller tree just for Sloane and all of her ornaments. We had already gotten a few and I am of course hoping for a bit more ;) having her own little tree was genius! So we went out and picked a perfect 4.5 inch pre-lit Christmas tree with baby pine cones. Its perfect and I know Sloane is checking out her ornaments that are already on the tree.
Miss Sloane's Christmas tree |
So, I still haven't done the laundry, or cleaned a little and I am still not ready for Monday morning. I will get the laundry done tomorrow. I can feel it. The cleaning not so much, and will I ever be ready for Monday? I don't think so, I just hope all goes well and that my angel is looking down on me and her little brother/sister as we take the next step in our journey. Wish us luck!