We had an appointment with Dr. Font for a usual checkup. It was the first appointment since being told I have gestational diabetes. It was not a normal day because my appointment was later at 10:45am and I figured I'd be waiting all day however that wasn't the case. I walked it and was the only one in the waiting room and got called back immediately! As soon as he walked in it was all business, what we're you're fasting numbers this morning, what were your numbers last night. Granted he had a copy of the past week in a half of numbers however he apparently wanted to hear it from me. Shoot I thought I was doing good however he was seeing otherwise. I hadn't gained a pound since the last time I had saw him and he is concerned that I am starving myself in order to maintain my blood sugar numbers. Partly true, I'm not starving myself but I could definitely eat more if I wasn't so concerned about my numbers. So now we are in talks of being put on insulin. He's giving me one week to see how I do and then he will make the decision ultimately. So that will include more needles as if I need anymore. Baby is definitely still breech and is measuring 1 week ahead on head, femur, and belly and weighing approximately 3lbs 1oz. At this time exactly Collins was 3lbs 8oz so they seem to be pretty close!
For Mother's Day we took my mom with us to Peek a belly to take a look at the baby in 3d just like we did with Collins at 29 weeks. He was not having it. He is frank breech just like Collins was so his legs are up by his face and he wouldn't put his hands down for nothing. I jumped I jiggled I shaked I ate chocolate I pushed him. Ha. He ended up putting his hands down for a hot minute to give us a few good photos and by the looks of it I'm getting another baby Mitchell :) and I wouldn't change it for the world. He has his daddy's chin and his sisters nose and cheeks.
Collins on the left, baby boy on the right |
Collins on the left, baby boy on the right |
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Collins surprised me with beautiful flowers and a shopping spree :) she's so sweet. We had breakfast after our appointment with the family and then spent the rest of the day shopping and eating! Lol. It was a great day spent with my little girl. We hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day!!!