Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Let's play catch up

I cannot believe October is going to be over in one more day. Fall is flying by, and to be completely honest so is life! Collins is already 6 months old! Where the heck did my baby go? Besides being a little peanut, she is rolling all over the place, babbling, sitting up with support and eating solids!! Before we get into her 6 month update lets play catch up. We have been busy busy, with Halloween parties, gearing up for our trip to Miami, Marty got a new job, and getting Collins acclimated to solids and finally sleeping full time in her own room/crib :( Big girl status at its finest. With Marty's new job at Clorox he had to be away for a couple weeks so I played single mom for a bit. Recently we have been getting ready for our mini family vacation plus a wedding Marty is in for one of his good friends. I used to think traveling was stressful with just Marty and I, holy crap I am in full anxiety mode with packing an infant. But no worries, she packs like her mother. We have a good 2 weeks of things packed for a 5 day trip :) shh don't tell Marty. Our 2nd Anniversary is also Friday! A whole 2 years :) seems like a life time after what Marty and I have been through, but let me tell you something, I wouldn't want to go through these things with anyone else. We are very excited about the trip we will just feel better once we are there safe and sound with all our things. The OC planner in me needs to remember that I probably will forget something, and something will probably go not as planned, but I need to not freak out like I usually would. It will all work out, I think :) That will bring us into November which will also bring us to HUGE news! But you all will just have to wait :) Halloween is tomorrow and we are very excited for our little fortune teller. I only have a sneak peek so you'll have to wait to see the final product.
Age: 6 months
Stats: 13lbs 2oz (6th percentile), 25 inches (33rd percentile)
Clothes: still 0-3 months and some 3-6 months
Favorite Activities: watching Lola and Lucy run all over the house, pulling Lucy's ears, playing with all her news toys, and standing up like a big girl. She gets so proud! And still of course bath time, put her in water and she immediately will stop crying or fussing.
Favorite Words: still screaming like a little girl. We love it and she just will scream to get your attention or to make you laugh, she knows exactly what she's doing.
Least favorite Activities: when you don't feed her fast enough. As soon as you give her one spoonful you better be ready immediately with the next or little lady will start fussing.
Mom's Favorite Moment: feeding my little pig solids for the first time. Loving everything we put in her mouth and wanting more even when its clearly all gone and she's had more than most 9 month olds eat :)
Dad's Favorite Moment: while at an appointment Collins had missed her nap and was walking around with Daddy laying on his shoulder and for the first time fell asleep like a little angel on his shoulder.
Other Milestones: she is sitting up pretty well with assistance and grabbing at everything! And guess where everything goes, directly in her mouth! She is super nosey too, weird where does she get that from? I wouldn't call this a milestone however stranger danger has set in, and it has set in with everyone unless its mommy. And most recently daddy.
We hope everyone has safe and happy Halloween! See everyone in November, just in time for family photos, Thanksgiving prep, and Christmas shopping!!


Thursday, October 3, 2013

5 month update and lots more!

Well haven't I just been MIA! Lots has been happening, of course all great things but they have been keeping us busy! I played single mom this week while Marty was out of town on business, so Collins and I had a fun filled best friends week together :) Dinners over at Nonna's and Pop Pop's, hanging with her Uncle Zeke, pumpkin patch with her cousin Gia, and of course shopping :)

The blog also got an update! Which I am in love with, not only because its exactly what I pictured in my mind when I asked Becca at jumping jax designs but also because my cartoon makes me look skinny :) haha Becca is amazing and is the mastermind behind this blog design as well all my Christmas cards I've sent out as well as our birth announcements. Love her, she does amazing work and you can check her out HERE and see what she has to offer :) Now for the more important update of the two.
Age: 5 months
Stats: We had to go to the doctor for a small infection in her eye and she was 13lbs 10oz!
Clothes: Still 0-3 months, and some 3 months my little peanut
Favorite activities: I think no matter how crabby at night she is as soon as we put her in the bathtub she is a new woman! Loves her bath time!
Favorite words: Still screaming like a little girl and loving when you scream back at her in a high pitched squeal.
Least Favorite Activities: Napping! Or sleeping for that matter. For the past week she hasn't been sleeping through the night, wakes up tossing and turning and fussing. At around 4am every wide awake ready to party. I don't think so.
Mom's proudest moment: When I put her down for a nap for the first time in a while in her crib and she slept for 2.5 hours like a big girl!
Dad's proudest moment: Skyping while he was away and Collins really interacting with him.
Other Milestones: One night while Marty and I were watching TV we heard Collins sort of moving around in her bed, and as we looked she had rolled over from back to tummy. She was so proud of herself that she immediately picked herself up onto her elbows knowing we were watching and gave us the biggest smile! It was too funny not to bust out laughing and cheer for her.

Sometimes the outtakes are just too funny not to share. She had had enough of us at this point :)
Big things happening in the Mitchell household that will come to light here shortly but until then we have more pumpkin patches to explore, more shopping to do (we are going to Miami in a few weeks for a wedding so Collins needs a new dress :) and more crisp fall morning walks to attend. Happy 5 months Collins!